Tag Archives - logistics security

Hit the Road Safely: How to Protect Your Cargo from Theft

Transporting precious goods across the country comes with its own set of challenges, and cargo theft is one of them. Learn how to keep yourself and your freight safe on the road with our five tips. Stay in touch with dispatch, keep your truck moving, stay alert, park in safe areas and get some extra eyes with cameras. With cargo theft on the rise, it’s important to take extra precautions to protect yourself and your freight. Be sure to follow these tips to ensure a safe journey for yourself and your cargo.

Cargo Crime Wave: $223 Million in Goods Stolen in 2022

Cargo theft is a growing concern in the US and Canada, with an estimated $223 million in cargo stolen during 2022. Learn about the latest trends in cargo theft, hot spots for theft, common goods targeted, and tips for preventing cargo thefts in this comprehensive article. Don’t let your cargo fall prey to thieves, stay informed and take action with our expert insights. Don’t miss out on our latest publication on how to protect your cargo and stay ahead of the thieves.



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